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Run Local Node with CLI

Install CLI

curl! | sudo bash

Use mycel [command] --help for more information about a command.

Initialize private validator, p2p, genesis, and application configuration files

mycel init

Run the full node

mycel start

Run Local Node With Docker

Single Node

Clone Repository

git clone
cd mycel


docker build . -t mycel -f dockerfile-node


docker run -it --rm \
-p26657:26657 \
-p1317:1317 \
-p4500:4500 \
-v ~/.mycel:/root/.mycel \

You can generate your ~/.mycel config directory with ignite chain init

Multiple Nodes

Setup node1 using docker compose:

docker compose up

Setup node2:

Initialize node2

docker compose exec node2 myceld init node2

Copy genesis.json

docker compose cp node1:/root/.mycel/config/genesis.json /tmp/genesis.json
docker compose cp /tmp/genesis.json node2:/root/.mycel/config/genesis.json

Update config.toml

docker compose exec node2 sed -i "s/persistent_peers = \"\"/persistent_peers = \"$(docker compose exec node1 myceld tendermint show-node-id)@node1:26656\"/g" /root/.mycel/config/config.toml

Setup key

docker compose exec node2 myceld keys add validator
NODE2_ADDR=$(docker compose exec node2 myceld keys show validator --output json | jq -r '.address') # enter password

Send stake token from node1

docker compose exec node1 myceld tx bank send alice $NODE2_ADDR 50000000stake


docker compose exec node2 myceld tx staking create-validator \
--amount 50000000stake \
--from validator --pubkey=$(docker compose exec node2 myceld tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker="node2" \
--commission-rate="0.1" \
--commission-max-rate="0.2" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
--min-self-delegation="50000000" \
--node tcp://node1:26657

Check validators

docker compose exec node1 myceld q staking validators

Start node2

docker compose exec node2 myceld start